Leonie Dukes

St Arnaud

This morning I took a trip to St Arnaud, a nice town with a number of older buildings.  The main reason I headed out there was to visit Autralia’s only bible museum.  They have an amazing collection of bibles and associated artifacts, including some beautiful illumination and decorated covers.  

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Maldon and surrounds

Today started off in Maldon, a beautiful small town with tree lined streets and filled with old shops and houses.   There are also a number of old mining sites around the town, some of which are interesting, but mostly they consist of various holes and heaps of dirt. I

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Around Castlemaine

I started the day with a visit to Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park.  I visited a few old mining sites, then spent about an hour lost in plantation tracks – anyone who played the game Pyramid and can recognise the phrase “you are in a maze of twisting passages, all

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