Leonie Dukes

Creswick and Castlemaine

The first stop of the day was at the Creswick Woolen Mills.   They have a display showing how they make their products – I know a lot about how it is produced at a craft level, and seeing the way the same techniques are used in the industrial machines was really interesting.  As a bonus, there were baby goats!

Baby goats at Creswick Woolen Mill
Old carding machine on display – the ones in use now are similar design, but bigger.

After the Woolen Mills I headed to St Georges lake.  It was a very nice spot, with a great picnic area, and I did a circuit walk of the whole lake.

View across St Georges Lake, Creswick.
St Georges Lake – view back towards the picnic area.
Cormorants drying off at the edge of St Georges Lake.

After the lake I headed in to town and had a bit of a walk around, then headed towards Castlemaine.  I stopped on the way at the historic site of Andersons Mill.

Andersons Mill
Smythe’s Bridge, near Andersons Mill

After arriving in Castlemaine I headed to the Botanical Gardens, then followed a sign promising coffee.  I ended up at “Das Kaffeehaus” where, in addition to a very nice coffee, I had a double-smoked pork sausage with sauerkraut.


Lunch at Das Kaffeehaus

After lunch I had a walk around the Botanical Gardens.  It is a nice area with a great variety of trees, but lacked the herbaceous and floral displays I have seen at a lot of other gardens.

View over the lake at Castlemaine Botanical Gardens.


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