Hanoi: Museum of Ethnology
7 June 2017
I took a local bus to visit the Museum of Ethnology which is a bit out of the city. Hanoi’s bus service is very good – everything is well marked, services are frequent and the fare is pronted on the side of the bus which makes it easy.
The museum was fabulous, with a lot of exhibits about the various ethnic groups, and outdoor area where they have rebuilt a number of tribal houses, and a new building housing displays from the rest of South East Asia (which was curiously empty – the other areas were full of people, this building was almost completely empty).
After returning to town, I had a look at the temple on Hoan Kien Lake.

There was a curious mix of tourists and religious activities.
After I went to the temple there was a change in the weather. It started with wind gusts blowing leaves and nuts from the street trees (which are edible judging by all the people who pulled over to fill their helmets). Then the rain came down.
I sheltered through the worst of it in a small shop (watching some sort of chinese drama with Vietnamese subtitles on YouTube with the shop owner) before picking up my bag and moving to the train station, even though it was hours too early. I found there was a small street market nearby, and had a fried spring roll and some meat skewers for dinner. I passed some time talking to a Vietnamese girl wanting to practice her Engligh. I was glad when the train finally arrived and I was on my way to Sapa.
Looks great. So interesting.